Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Menopause - It's not the end, it's the beginning!

Most movies portray a woman who is going through menopause as someone who is crabby or irrational, hot and sweaty, even red faced. Most people think that that is what menopause is like. But that doesn’t have to be the case. Chinese medicine has helped women navigate perimenopause naturally for thousands of years, and it can help you too!

Sooner or later all women will face menopause if they are lucky to live long enough. For many women, this is a time that is looked upon with dread and fear. When most people think of menopause, they think of hot flashes, night sweats, moodiness, headaches, insomnia and weight gain... the list goes on and on. It’s no wonder that it is not a time that most women look forward to!

One of the strengths of Chinese medicine is that it treats every woman as an individual. Every woman knows that although there may be a room full of women who are going through menopause, every woman will be experiencing menopause differently. One will have more hot flashes, where one will have difficulty thinking clearly, another depression, and another insomnia. Chinese medicine finds that each of these symptoms is a clue that the body is exhibiting to show where it is weak, and needs help. One who is trained in Chinese medicine can use those clues to help each woman find the path to wellness. One each symptom is corrected, she can navigate menopause easily.

Each practitioner of Chinese medicine has many tools to help women find relief. Chinese herbal therapy can be incredibly effective at nourishing and balancing the body as well. Herbs are a very important part of treatment of perimenopausal symptoms. Acupuncture is something that can help give the body instructions on how to heal itself and restore balance. Many people are surprised to learn that acupuncture is a relatively painless, and actually quite relaxing experience. Most people usually fall asleep, or they feel as if they have been in a deep meditative state. Most patients who are receiving treatment look forward to the tranquility and the peace that they find during their treatment.

During menopause and perimenopause each woman’s body is saying that the time for growing and enriching others is coming to an end, which is in no means an end to the woman’s fertility. For many women, the time after menopause is a very special time of life. Many women report feeling a freedom they never had before, less of a need to heed society’s view of who/what they should be and do and more of a connection with their heart. Chinese medicine has a very beautiful way of looking at this time. They teach that the heart which is freed from its’ duty of creating of menstrual blood, is suddenly able to use that blood to enrich itself. The heart is fuller, and richer which results in wisdom.

Acupuncture and Chinese herbal therapy are a safe, gentle treatment that have been used for thousands of years and has helped millions of people. If you have tried other treatments and have not found the results you're looking for, I encourage you to take action and give acupuncture a try!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Stress is not good for stem cells, but they love meditation!

Hey Everyone!

I listened to the most amazing show on NPR the other day. Krista Tippet interviewed the researcher Doris Taylor is the director of the University of Minnesota department of the Center for Cardiovascular Repair... Doris is doing amazing things in the lab, and maybe you have heard of her. She is the woman who was able to rebuild a cadaver heart with the help of stem cells and eventually got it to beat!

Here's what she and her team does in a nutshell...they take the cadaver heart or organ and wash it with a simple soap solution. This soap will wash away the original muscle cells while leaving the framework of the heart behind. She says it looks and feels like jello. Stem cells are added to this framework and a new beating heart is, well, born.

One thing that Doris is understandably enthusiastic about is stem cells. There seem to be a lot of misinformation about them. for one thing, stem cells are in humans at all ages, not just fetuses. These stem cells vary in number, decreasing as we age, but they play a vital role in repairing the body as we age or are injured.

One thing that she found is that stress can decrease stem cell numbers and effectiveness. Probably no big surprise. But she also found that meditation can increase stem cell numbers! Although it hasn't been proven, I would bet my hat that acupuncture will increase stem cell numbers and effectiveness as well.

Stress not only damages the body, but it also effects it's ability to repair itself. A one-two punch. She mentioned our presidents as an example. The stress that they have been under is so easily apparent when you see the photos of presidents from the beginning of their terms compared to those of the end.

Very interesting.

Here's a video of Krista Tippet holding a heart;

Here's a link to the interview, if you're interested;

Friday, October 1, 2010

Stress decreases pregnancy rates and acupuncture can help!

Hi everyone!

We have had a very exciting month at the clinic, with 4 of our patients becoming pregnant! It is easily one of the most exciting aspects of my job. One thing that I love the most about my work is that Chinese medicine helps the body to heal itself, so it can not only help the woman become pregnant, but it can also help her have a healthier pregnancy! How great is that?

I recently read a great article about the negative effect of stress on fertility. I know from personal experience that it can be frustrating to be told to, "just relax and you will get pregnant"....especially when you have been trying for a while, but science is beginning to find that the link between high stress and decreased fertility to be real.

The great news is that there are many, many resources out there that can help. Anything from meditation, to yoga (make sure your teacher knows that you're trying to get pregnant), tai chi, qigong, to just spending time with friends and loved ones who make you smile. Whatever makes you laugh, and lightens your load! Oh, and don't forget acupuncture!

These are great skills for a lifetime of health! (Stress isn't only detrimental to pregnancy rates!) As a parent of a two year old, I can say that deep breathing really comes in handy!

Blessings and health!


P.S. Here a a few studies that you might find interesting.

Reduction in stress and depression can improve conception rates
Rodriguez et al.,1983
Women with unexplained infertility who went through an 8-week program of relaxation training, cognitive restructuring, and self-instructional management were significantly more likely to conceive than a control group who receive no training. Within the 2-month study period, 4 out of 7 experimental subjects conceived, whereas none of the 7 control subjects conceived.

Increase your fertility with acupuncture!

Hello Everyone!

I have had an absolutely wonderful week at the clinic, and I hope that you have too!

We found out this past week that 2 of our patients are pregnant! One of the women was told by her Doctor that she would need western medical intervention, but her body was able to do just fine. It just needed a little help from the needles and herbs to fix itself.

I cherish the opportunity to work with women in their attempt to become mothers. Although I know that parenting isn't for everyone, it has been such an rich experience for me, that I love to help other women begin this journey.

One of the toughest lessons that parenting has taught me is that we are not in control. For many couples, their experience with the difficulty getting pregnant is their first real experience with that fact. Let's face it though, once you get pregnant, this message will continue....and amplify! We have no control over a whole host of things from it's eye color, height, gender, and disposition to it's more importantly it's health. We can't control the birthday, or once it's born...WHEN IT WILL JUST GO TO SLEEP... Our lessons just continue to flow like a river...

I have seen again and again that the time before a pregnancy can be a very fertile time for women and couples. It can be a sacred time, if they let it. In many cases, their bodies are saying that it needs some TLC, and let me tell you, this may be the last time for them to really be able to focus on themself for some time. Instead of being a difficult time, that might make one give their bodies to someone else to fix out of fear, it can be a very "fertile" time where she can increase or create a strong connection with herself through mind quieting activities like meditation, yoga and journalling. Believe me, this will come in handy as a mother!

It is an exceptional opportunity to really work on her health - physical, spiritual and emotional. I have seen Chinese Medicine do wonders in this area!

Let's face it, just as chinese medicine focuses on the whole you, I am focused not just on helping you to get pregnant, but helping you to create a life that is more rich and nourishing. I want to help support you in Motherhood. That can start before pregnancy, just as it will continue all your life after the birth of your child.

Blessings and health!


Friday, September 24, 2010

Arthritis - Arthur the dance partner

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to put the spotlight on one my amazing patients who inspires not only me, but many....

Kim was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis 15 years ago, and has used her experience with RA to lead her to a fuller, richer, more spiritual place. Sometimes sitting patiently with one's body when it hurts and really listening to what it is saying can be difficult. Following through can be even more challenging. I am constantly astounded by regular women and men who do quiet but extraordinary things just like her. It reminds me/us of our ability for greatnessShe is an amazing woman, indeed.

Here are her words about how she 'dances' with RA....

"I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis 15 years ago. As a young 29 year old athletic women, wife and mother it was hard to get my arms around the reality that this intruder was mine for life. Soon, it became clear that life was too short and my family too important not to embrace this change. It was time to view the arthritis as a dance partner rather than an intruder. So it was then Arthur and I hit the dance floor and developed a graceful partnership. This was all possible because of the help of a wonderful doctor and the courage to look at alternative options. There are more than 46 million Americans with doctor diagnosed arthritis. This is 1 in 5 people who live everyday with one or more of the 100+ forms. Athritis is called the everyones disease because it affects people of all ages, even children. Currently there is no cure. This year I am the Official Walk Honoree. I am very proud and grateful for the opportunity of this gift to represent the people in the Twin Cities with Arthritis. Together we can bring valuable awareness to this growing disease. This year Team Arthur has a large donation goal!! The walk is September 25th. Please join me either by offering a financial donation and/or become a member of my team. I am very grateful for any help you can offer!!! Thank you so very much! Hugs, Kim"

If you would like to make a pledge, please go to this link; thank you!

Stay warm this weekend!

Blessings and good health!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

School is in out for the flu!

Hi Everyone!

Well, my boys just started school 2 weeks ago, and I am sad to report that we have officially had our first bug invade our home! Ugh! I have noticed a bit of an uptick in colds among my patients, so I thought I'd pass on a few helpful methods to avoid or minimize any flu bugs in your home....

First of all, never underestimate the power of soup! (Especially chicken soup!) I know it's and old wives' tale...but maybe they were on to something! Soup is so important when you're starting to battle a cold because it's very easy nutrition for your body to absorb at a time when it needs to put all of it's energy and attention towards getting rid of those pesky viral invaders. Soup is so easy to make, too! Just buy a whole chicken, and put it in the water(wash it, and clean out the giblets etc) with some garlic, scallions, vegetables, even ginger (if your tummy is bothering you, or you feel very chilled more than feverish). Give it a few hours, and've just given those flu bugs their first eviction notice!

Please don't forget to rest, rest, rest! The reason that people get fatigued when we are fighting a cold is because out body is devoting it's focus on making us healthy again. If we're too active, it can lengthen the time it takes to heal. Take a break!

Finally, don't forget to take your herbs and drink your K-tea. Kombucha has antibacterial properties, and it can really help. I have avoided a cold just by increasing my kombucha intake alone. We also have a fantastic formula called Yin Qiao San which has been helping probably millions of people avoid a cold for over 200 years! This formula is only to be used when the cold is starting to hit, chills/fever, sore throat, fever etc. If you do develop symptoms, and you would like some help don't hesitate to contact me at the clinic. I have many herbs at the clinic which have amazing anti-bacterial and anti-viral qualities. I'll get you up and going in no time.

Have a great day! Stay well!


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Meditation works!

Hello Everyone!

So, I think I need to come clean here and say that I have never been much of a meditator. If you have met me, you will know that I have avery active mind, and everything else. I enjoy going a million miles a minute, and although I know that quiet time is necessary, I usually would find that quiet place through exercise.

I have seen the need for quiet reflected through the frantic pulses of many of my stressed out patients, as well as my own. After thinking about the advantages of meditation in regard to my patients, it made me consider giving the 21 day meditation challenge a try myself. (see my earlier blog for details) It has been more than 21 days, and I can now say with confidence that I am now a real, live, regularly practicing meditator! Hooray!

I have noticed so many positive changes, with very little effort on my part. (and so has my family!) Probably the most important change is that I find that I am so much calmer and at peace. I find that my active mind, which is so helpful with my work figuring out patterns of disease, is frequently unhelpful in life. I would often have this mindset that if I only thought about anything long enough a solution would arise, which in most cases is not true. Sometimes it is about surrendering to life, and trusting that it will all work out. (as my Mom used to always tell me....and which by the way has always been the case.) The constant thinking/worrying did nothing but deplete my body and make me feel powerless and fearful among other things.

I have always strived to be the person that believed that I was taken care of, who knew that I was a cared for and cherished part of the universe, but it's one thing to feel that and another to take the leap and just relax. Meditation has helped me to calm down enough to move towards that.

It's a really great place to be.

So, really, think about meditation. For me it's only been 15-20 minutes a day. It hasn't been difficult to incorporate into my day, but I'll tell you what, both my family and I am glad that I do!

Blessings and peace


PS. 21 day meditation challenge has ended, but if you would like to try it out I have a great link for you. Just email or call me and I can help get you going!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Yummy kombucha!

As I've stated before, your digestion is the key to achieving and maintaining good health, and today I thought I would add a few more words about those friendly bacteria and what you can do to keep your digestive system in tip top shape.

Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, the author of the book, Gut and Psychology Syndrome, theorizes that there is a link between the health of our digestive system and our brain chemistry. She states that the surface area of our small intestines are about the size of a tennis court. Friendly bacteria help our bodies to absorb the nutrients from the food we eat, as well as keep the numbers of unhealthy bacteria, yeast and other pathogens under control.

Dr. Campbell-McBride laments the fact that our diet is virtually free of fermented foods. In many cultures especially in the past fermented foods were a very important part of the diet. She encourages people to find some way to turn that around.

In my family, kombucha has been a important way for us to achieve and maintain our health. Since we started brewing and drinking kombucha regularly we have had less colds/flu and digestive problems. We've seen dramatic changes with one of my sons especially. He was a very fussy eater, and was very thin. He would catch any cold that came along and had a very difficult time fighting them as well. Once his gut began to get healthy, his appetite increased, and so did his health (as well as his energy level).

Here is a great website with a lot more information about kombucha and it's benefits;

If kombucha isn't your cup of tea, how about sauerkraut (make sure it's not pasteurized)or other fermented vegetables, kefir (cow/goat milk or coconut milk), good quality yogurt. Try to add a small serving of fermented foods to your diet every day, and see how your health will improve.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Meditation support

Hi Everyone!

One of the things that most amazed me as I moved from studying Chinese medicine, to actually working with patients in a clinic setting was how essential emotional and spiritual heath is to maintaining physical health. Our lives are so busy now a days running from here to there, with so many things vying for our time.

We really need quiet.

Our bodies, minds and spirits need that time to recharge. It's so easy to get burned out, or worse!

Meditation or some type mind quieting activity is an essential part of health maintenance, it will keep you happy and healthy, and there's nothing better than that. It has even been shown to create changes in the brain to help you to become less affected by stress and more compassionate! (check out this article...

If you'd like give meditation a try, check this out... There is a free 21 day meditation challenge, and you can sign up for it here.

They will give you support in daily guided meditations and other support and advice to help you make meditation a part of your life. Did I mention that it's free?

If you're interested, check it out. You have nothing to lose! And if this doesn't work for you, don't give up! There are so many different ways out there to support you in quieting down your mind. It could be tai chi, qigong, yoga or just a quiet walk by the lake. You deserve quiet, and all of the good things that it will bring to your life!

Peace, to one and all on this lovely day!


Friday, August 6, 2010

Bacteria is good...REALLY!!!

Hey everybody!

This month I'm planning on posting a number of blogs to help you have the healthiest tummy on the block! It may seem crazy, but the healthier your digestive system is, the healthier you will be! (read...'no, and I mean absolutely no colds or flu this year!!!')

Many people have heard that there are 'friendly bacteria' in our bodies, that help our digestive system to work at it peak. It seems like suddenly everyone is talking about probiotics, which is great. Personally, I think that just 10 years ago I would've been really queasy thinking about adding morebacteria to my body, but now it's a daily event!

Check this article out...

As you can see, keeping your digestion in good shape is not only good for preventing colds, as well as a host of other illnesses it's an essential part of health maintenance.

Next week I'll discuss easy and yummy ways to bring friendly bacteria into your life. It will be fun...really!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

How to beat a cold before it strikes!

Hello everyone!

It's August and in Minnesota this is a very hot and sticky time of year! I remember hearing people call this 'the dog days of summer" and I always wondered why. I always thought that maybe after three months of summer the heat and humidity would begin to drive all of the poor four legged furry friends to their limits! Hopefully you are enjoying the weather, and not wilting...

In China this time of year was referred to as late summer and it was associated with the high humidity that we experience as well. August is also associated with our digestive health. In traditional chinese medicine, the digestive system is seen as the most vital part of the body. If you are eating and processing your food properly, you will be well nourished and full of energy and qi which will make you strong and less affected by illness.

Summer was seen as a great time to strengthen the body and prepare for the winter ahead. The warm weather and sun offer us the opportunity to spend time outdoors as it grows and ripens all of the delicious food which will jointly help strengthen you to be ready for all of the naughty bugs that winter might throw your way.

Chinese medicine is all about balance, and part of that is living in harmony with the seasons. So sit back and enjoy the sun and all the local produce you see - like yummy tomatoes,cucumbers, wild blueberries, raspberries or sweet corn, and know that you are helping your body to beat the flu before it comes a knockin' this winter!

Happy eating!


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Make that smoking habit a thing of the past!

Are you ready to quit smoking? Let us help you naturally and effectively!

How does acupuncture and herbs help?

The first thing to understand is that when you smoke, the body releases endorphins giving that rush of relief and relaxation. Smokers tend to have higher levels of endorphins so upon quitting, levels drop drastically. This leads to those withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, anxiety or depression. Acupuncture works with your body to maintain the release of endorphins so symptoms of quitting are greatly reduced. Acupuncture also reduces cravings, changes the taste of cigarettes and addresses secondary symptoms such as mood changes, digestive changes, appetite increase and low energy. Herbal formulas also work in conjunction with acupuncture to help relieve withdrawal symptoms to make quitting easier.

What are the benefits of using acupuncture to quit smoking?

In addition to helping you quit, you will begin to feel other changes such as increased energy, improved sleep, increased immunity, better digestion, mental clarity and even skin clarity. Because acupuncture addresses the entire body, you will not only kick the habit, you will actually be improving your overall health and well being!

If you're ready to quit, we can help! Ask us about our “Quit Smoking” package and make that habit a thing of the past!