Wednesday, September 15, 2010

School is in out for the flu!

Hi Everyone!

Well, my boys just started school 2 weeks ago, and I am sad to report that we have officially had our first bug invade our home! Ugh! I have noticed a bit of an uptick in colds among my patients, so I thought I'd pass on a few helpful methods to avoid or minimize any flu bugs in your home....

First of all, never underestimate the power of soup! (Especially chicken soup!) I know it's and old wives' tale...but maybe they were on to something! Soup is so important when you're starting to battle a cold because it's very easy nutrition for your body to absorb at a time when it needs to put all of it's energy and attention towards getting rid of those pesky viral invaders. Soup is so easy to make, too! Just buy a whole chicken, and put it in the water(wash it, and clean out the giblets etc) with some garlic, scallions, vegetables, even ginger (if your tummy is bothering you, or you feel very chilled more than feverish). Give it a few hours, and've just given those flu bugs their first eviction notice!

Please don't forget to rest, rest, rest! The reason that people get fatigued when we are fighting a cold is because out body is devoting it's focus on making us healthy again. If we're too active, it can lengthen the time it takes to heal. Take a break!

Finally, don't forget to take your herbs and drink your K-tea. Kombucha has antibacterial properties, and it can really help. I have avoided a cold just by increasing my kombucha intake alone. We also have a fantastic formula called Yin Qiao San which has been helping probably millions of people avoid a cold for over 200 years! This formula is only to be used when the cold is starting to hit, chills/fever, sore throat, fever etc. If you do develop symptoms, and you would like some help don't hesitate to contact me at the clinic. I have many herbs at the clinic which have amazing anti-bacterial and anti-viral qualities. I'll get you up and going in no time.

Have a great day! Stay well!


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