Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Menopause - It's not the end, it's the beginning!

Most movies portray a woman who is going through menopause as someone who is crabby or irrational, hot and sweaty, even red faced. Most people think that that is what menopause is like. But that doesn’t have to be the case. Chinese medicine has helped women navigate perimenopause naturally for thousands of years, and it can help you too!

Sooner or later all women will face menopause if they are lucky to live long enough. For many women, this is a time that is looked upon with dread and fear. When most people think of menopause, they think of hot flashes, night sweats, moodiness, headaches, insomnia and weight gain... the list goes on and on. It’s no wonder that it is not a time that most women look forward to!

One of the strengths of Chinese medicine is that it treats every woman as an individual. Every woman knows that although there may be a room full of women who are going through menopause, every woman will be experiencing menopause differently. One will have more hot flashes, where one will have difficulty thinking clearly, another depression, and another insomnia. Chinese medicine finds that each of these symptoms is a clue that the body is exhibiting to show where it is weak, and needs help. One who is trained in Chinese medicine can use those clues to help each woman find the path to wellness. One each symptom is corrected, she can navigate menopause easily.

Each practitioner of Chinese medicine has many tools to help women find relief. Chinese herbal therapy can be incredibly effective at nourishing and balancing the body as well. Herbs are a very important part of treatment of perimenopausal symptoms. Acupuncture is something that can help give the body instructions on how to heal itself and restore balance. Many people are surprised to learn that acupuncture is a relatively painless, and actually quite relaxing experience. Most people usually fall asleep, or they feel as if they have been in a deep meditative state. Most patients who are receiving treatment look forward to the tranquility and the peace that they find during their treatment.

During menopause and perimenopause each woman’s body is saying that the time for growing and enriching others is coming to an end, which is in no means an end to the woman’s fertility. For many women, the time after menopause is a very special time of life. Many women report feeling a freedom they never had before, less of a need to heed society’s view of who/what they should be and do and more of a connection with their heart. Chinese medicine has a very beautiful way of looking at this time. They teach that the heart which is freed from its’ duty of creating of menstrual blood, is suddenly able to use that blood to enrich itself. The heart is fuller, and richer which results in wisdom.

Acupuncture and Chinese herbal therapy are a safe, gentle treatment that have been used for thousands of years and has helped millions of people. If you have tried other treatments and have not found the results you're looking for, I encourage you to take action and give acupuncture a try!

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