Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Walnuts for fertility!

Hello again!

One of my favorite foods for boosting fertility and strengthening the body are walnuts.  In Chinese medicine, walnuts are one of the best foods for profoundly strengthening the body at its core. If you're trying to get pregnant, walnuts are very nourishing food capable of building your body so it will be ready for the demands of growing a baby.  Plus, they also really taste good!

Have you ever noticed that walnuts look like tiny brains?  They do!  Chinese medicine teaches us that walnuts are chock full of good things to make us smart.  So, grab a handful of walnuts next time you sit down to do your crossword!

Here is one of my favorite recipes for candied walnuts - I never measure anything, so you may have to tinker with the measurements a bit...

Candied walnuts (yum, yum, yum!)

1 c walnuts
3-4 Tbsp peanut oil
1-2 tsp soy sauce
1/4-1/3 c maple syrup
1/8-1/4 tsp spice (cayenne, cinnamon, nutmeg, whatever you'd like)

1) Heat walnuts and oil on medium hight heat in a saucepan or skillet until browned.
2) Add maple syrup, soy sauce and spice (if desired) to coat walnuts and heat until boiling. (usually this will happen very quickly)
3) Stir maple syrup until you notice fine threads forming when you lift your spoon from the syrup.
4) Let it cool in the pan.
5) Remove from pan when cool.  Store in an airtight container.

You can eat these walnuts as a snack or add to salads (my favorite).  Here's my favorite salad..

Beet & Goat Cheese salad

  • Mesclun greens
  • Cooked beets, sliced (I like to boil up a bunch on the weekends, peel after they've cooked and keep them on hand to use throughout the week)
  • Thinly sliced red onion
  • Candied walnuts (yum!)
  • Goat cheese (Cypress Groves makes a lavender infused cheese called 'Purple Haze' which is spectacular in this salad!!!)
  • Simple balsamic vinaigrette (balsamic vinegar and olive oil will do)

You can determine the proportions yourself.  This salad is so delicious, and very, very good for you.  Still one of my favorite treats!
