Monday, November 9, 2009

Sinus infections

Hello Everyone!

Hopefully you all had a nice weekend. It was beautiful out! A 63 degree day with lots of sunshine in the beginning of November. I'll take it! I had a great weekend, but unfortunately, at least four people I know were in bed this weekend due to nasty sinus infections. I know from personal experience that sinus infections are downright miserable.

It is important right now to keep our bodies healthy. With the changes in weather and it being cold and flu season, the most important thing we can do is prevention. Sinus infections can be attributed to different things, but they are often secondary to a cold or flu. Talk about dragging out misery! Wash your hands, stay covered during cold and wet weather, get your rest and avoid other sick people.

A few good things to know should you come down with a sinus infection, listen to your body. If it is telling you rest, rest! You need your strength to recover faster. To alleviate pain, you can try putting a warm cloth over your face, especially over the forehead and across the cheeks. A gentle massage to your face above and around your eyebrows, down the sides of your nose and gently over the cheeks can help the movement of mucous blocked in the sinus cavities. Eat your chicken noodle soup! It will help strengthen your immune system, but it is also very easy to digest. This is important because you want your body to focus on getting better. The least your energy is expended to do other things, the better. Avoid greasy, oily or fried food. If you have any essential oils at home, a nice steamy shower with a few drops of eucalyptus, rosemary, lavender, peppermint, or tea tree oil can be used. They can open the nasal passages and alleviate pain. A recipe my grandma always used and swore by is apple cider vinegar and water. Put 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 8 oz of warm water and drink. You can do this before bed and when you wake up.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is very effective at treating and preventing sinus infections. Maybe the idea of getting poked in the face while it is throbbing doesn't sound fun, but the results are very relieving. Herbal formulas can be used to prevent and help sinus infections. They are natural antibiotics and antivirals as well as pain relievers and astringents.

Its easy to put out of your mind the misery of a sinus infection until your head is throbbing and you can't breathe. I can't stress it enough, prevention is key to staying happy and healthy. Having a health maintenance or preventative regime will greatly benefit anyone that is prone to getting sick or suffering from chronic sinus infections or just anyone wanting to feel their best.

Health & Happiness!


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