Thursday, October 29, 2009

H1N1 part 2

Hello everyone!

One of the most mind blowing things that I learned in school was that just because someone is showing symptoms of catching a cold/flu it doesn't mean that it is a done deal. I was once one of those people that would catch everything that went around. As soon as I the symptoms would start, and you know what I'm talking about....achy muscles, sore throat, fever/chills, headache....I would start feeling sorry for myself because I knew the next few days were not going to be good.

In class I learned that the start of a cold was the perfect time to do some self care, and if I caught it early enough, I could either prevent the cold entirely or decrease it's severity. Both options are great, because no one likes being sick! Here are some of the important things that I learned that have really contributed to my increased resistance to colds and flus.

Keep in mind that Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is all about getting out of the way and letting your body do its' work. Once the symptoms start, one thing that is really effective is to get your body to sweat. You can drink some hot tea, or eat a hot bowl of chicken soup (we believe it will help supply your body with the energy to fight the infection) while covered in a blanket, or take a hot shower. (Remember all the movies from the 40's when someone got sick they would often drape a blanket over their head and steam themselves?) After you get a good sweat going, climb in bed and take a nice long nap, and take it easy for the rest of the day, even if you feel better after you wake up.

One of the essential things is to listen to your body when you begin to get symptoms, and rest.... really rest, so that your body can devote all of it's focus and strength upon ridding itself of the bug that's bothering it. It can be so difficult nowadays to just take it easy, but this part is essential.

The other big thing is that we have herbal formulas that are very effective, and acupuncture can really help as well. Remember that it can really help the earlier you get a treatment. Don't forget Chinese medicine when you are ailing, we have very effective treatments for the infinite spectrum of symptoms you may suffer from, and we have been treating cold and flu symptoms successfully for thousands of years!

I know this may sound simple, but sometimes just these steps are enough to keep the cold at bay and help you have a lovely fall, winter and spring.

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