Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thoughts about H1N1, and other nasty bugs... part 1

Hello Everyone!

As you all know, flu season has arrived a little early... Over the past three weeks we have seen a huge increase in patients with cold/flu symptoms. Suddenly virtually everyone has the sniffles...or worse! Chinese medicine has helped people cope with the flu for thousands of years, and we can be a great resource for everything from helping you get over a cold/flu to helping to strengthen your immunity so you won't get sick at all!

When I was a little girl, my mother would tell me to put on my hat, gloves and not to forget my scarf. It used to drive me nuts! I was famous for 'forgetting' my winter gear...and, of course, karma has done it's thing, and my sons do the same thing every winter....over, and over and over! Although I'm tempted to give up and let them run buck naked in the snow...we learned in acupuncture school that it's really important to dress for the weather.

Think about it, if it's cold out, your body has to use it's resources to keep you warm, which leaves less energy for fighting nasty H1N1 bugs when they your way. The back of your neck is an especially sensitive area, often that is one of the first places that gets stiff when a cold/flu begins, so it's really important to protect that area with a scarf. So, don't forget your scarf, people!!! Who cares about hat-head anyway, right?

Christine and I have lots more information to share about this subject, so check back early next week, for more simple things you can do to keep you and your family healthy and happy this winter. (and some yummy recipes) Keep in mind that acupuncture and herbs can be an important part of your anti-flu plan...but we'll talk more about that, too.

Have a lovely day!


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