Friday, October 12, 2012

Healthy and Gentle Detox!

    Do you feel tired and unfocused a lot?  Do you have achy joints?  Maybe even dry, skin or new skin spots?  These are all signs of toxic overload in your body.  Others include fungal infections, constipation, allergies, and more.  These toxins build up over time from pollution in our environment, chemicals in our body products and foods, medications, drugs and alcohol, sugar, and even from lifestyle- negative thinking, lack of exercise and sleep, and so on.  Stress is also a huge factor in toxicity.  Stress causes our bodies to stay in "fight or flight" mode, pumping out extra cortisol into our bodies.  This decreases the body's immune responses so it becomes hard for the body to release toxins on its own. 
    So what can we do about it?  We can do a gentle detoxification program to cleanse our bodies and regain proper functioning.  It's best to ease into it over a period of a couple weeks so your body doesn't go through an intense withdraw.  Gradually cut down or eliminate caffeine and alcohol from your diet.  Try your best to avoid cow's milk products and wheat as they are common food allergens.  Cut out sugar and any fried or processed foods, and reduce salt and carbohydrate intake in general.  Increase the amount of fresh veggies and fruits (the good carbs!) you are eating- focusing more on the veggies, to help make your body more alkaline (pathology develops in acidic environments).  Eat lean meats and sources of proteins like fish and eggs.  It is also very important to drink lots of water to help flush toxins out of the body as you are detoxing.  Keeping a food journal is a good idea as well, so you can keep track of which foods bother you after the detox is over and you reintroduce foods like dairy or wheat back into your diet. 
    You can further strengthen your detox by getting regular exercise and fresh air, which will improve your circulation, and your body's ability to eliminate wastes, as well as lower stress levels.  If you really want to up the ante on your detox program, you can take a few supplements such as milk thistle and dandelion root to support liver function, and green drinks to increase the body's alkalinity.  Getting adequate sleep and relaxation time is key too.  Finally, there is always acupuncture and Chinese herbal formulas to help the body detox!  Feel free to stop by anytime and let us know how we can help you on your way to finding better health! :)


Check out this book:   Detox:  The Process of Cleansing and Restoration, by Sara Rose.  I primarily used it as my resource for this blog.  It's an easy to read, and easy to understand guide in detoxing for the beginner.

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