Tuesday, February 19, 2013

New Year's Newsletter!

Just writing to say that our new newsletter is up on our website!! Yay! Take a look at the easy-to-view PFD version here: http://redcricket.com/newsletters/2013-winter-red-cricket-acupuncture.pdf.

The flu season hit early this year, and also very hard. It has been one of the worse flu seasons that I have encountered in clinic. Acupuncture can help you resist a cold or flu, and many of the herbs we use have anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. Don’t forget us when you get sick! We can really help.

Although Chinese medicine can be extremely helpful in helping your body to fight a cold once it hits, our real passion at RCA is in prevention. It is our goal to help you feel good every day in every way. If you are strong enough, we are taught that any virus won’t stand a chance against your immune system. The body was designed to do miracles with good food and movement. For that reason, we are exploring how healthy eating and movement can prevent colds and flus. If you are eating well and moving your body, you will not only stay healthier - but you’ll feel better in the process!

We have a whole bunch of good information for you this time! To go along with those New Year's Resolutions check out the article about All The Benefits of Exercise, from how to avoid icky illnesses this season to creating emotional and physical balance. Stephanie writes about creating A New LIFE Resolution by diving into the Paleo lifestyle this year. Still wondering what this fad is all about? Check out her great introduction to the Paleo world! You don't have to be on a Paleo diet to enjoy this yummy recipe: Moroccan Chicken Casserole

If you have been waiting to Learn How to Brew Your Own Kombucha, don't forget to RSVP for our next workshop on Friday, March 8th.

We hope this information will help you to continue on the road of making each day healthier, richer and fuller than the last!


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