Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Zumba for health

Hello everyone!

I just wanted to give a big heads up to my lovely patients and peeps about a great FREE opportunity to escape winter and inject a little summer into your life!

A really fantastic organization, OUT in the backyard, is sponsoring a weekly free zumba class at Powderhorn park.  It's at 6:30 in the community building every Monday night.  It is sooo much fun!  The instructor, Bernice Arias, is the most amazing ever!  The choreography and the music is fantasic and she is so much fun.  Her excitement and love of dance is very contagious!

One symptom that I see very often in the clinic is low back pain.  In some cases, it is stored stress.  These patients feel better with movement, and worse when they rest.  Exercise and yoga really makes a big difference in their pain levels.  When I went to my first zumba class, I remember shaking my booty and hips in ways that I usually never do, and it felt really good!  It felt so good to loosen up my lower torso, and the music is so fun and upbeat that I felt my stress literally melting off of my body.  This class would be a perfect class for patients under stress, but especially those who have low back pain.

If you know me well, you probably know that I am not much of a winter gal.  Even as a child I suffered from seasonal affective disorder.  This class and Bernice's teaching has been a vital part of keeping myself happy and sane this winter.  If you think you would like to give it a try, I would encourage you to do so.  You don't need to know how to dance, you just need to be ready to shake your booty!

So, there you have it... a free opportunity to meet people in our lovely community, dance and feel like you're in Puerto Rico for an hour.  Try it out, you'll be so happy you did!

Yours in health!


PS.  Out in the Backyard is a group that helps lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people (LGBTQ) to counter isolation by connecting to each other and community resources.  If you would like more information about OUT in the backyard look here.   http://www.outinthebackyard.org/  We are all so lucky to have them be a part of our community!

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